Season's Greetings

© Richard Goldman, 2008

I want to wish each & everyone here
The best the season has to offer -- and a wonderful new year
Music & elixir flow as once more 'round the sun we go
I got a feelin' -- it's time for healin'

Rhyme is overrated & the rhythm can't be found
Reason overstated as the snowflake touches ground
A wild, wild winter wonderland
Looks like Frosty's final stand
No one left to lend a frozen hand

Darkness softly falling as they heed the silent call
Beckoned through the portal come all creatures, great & small
Nighthawk and the owl dine
On mice & dandelion wine
Life is as it should be -- and it's fine

And I want to wish ...

Greetings are belated as the predators surround
Feeding unabated as they close without a sound
Wild child in a plundered land
A rent and torn asunder land
Trying to survive as best he can

Temperatures keep falling 'til the coming of the light
Creatures of the evening seem to disappear from sight
Soon enough, the morning sun
Thaws a river, soon to run
Feeds a generation just begun

So I want to wish ...

So take a chance that's offered
But make your own as well
And keep those spiritual coffers full
'Cause there may not be a heaven,
But there just might be a hell

Title reinstated as the race goes to the hound
A species unrelated, but at least they're still around
Mild child in a barren land
Trying hard to understand
Won't somebody lend a helping hand?

Rain is gently falling on an unnamed Spanish plain
It's gonna be a bumper crop for any that remain
Seasons come & seasons go
On autumn leaves, a coat of snow
And in the spring, another chance to grow

So I want to wish ...